7 Selected to Class of 2020
2020 Ambassador is Dick Pavlak
Roy Hobbs Baseball

The Roy Hobbs Hall of Fame Class of 2020 includes 7 gentlemen players, administrators and managers.
And 89-year-old Dick Pavlak will be honored as the 2020 Brian Mullen Ambassador of Baseball. Dick continues to play and pitch in the 50s division of the Miami Valley RH League in SW Ohio.
The Class of 2020 includes playing administrator/managers Ronnie Alexander (South Carolina), Flip Harrison (Virginia), Dick Hill (Maine) and John Oehlers (Ohio), along with 3 players: David Darrah (Florida), David Fauth (Minnesota) and Eric Sallee (Washington).
Due to issues surrounding the Covid-19 plague, Roy Hobbs will not be holding a celebratory induction gathering this fall. However, in its place will be a virtual presentation of the honorees receiving their rings and their opportunities to respond to their inclusion. It has yet to be determined whether those will be live or be video’d and combined into one presentation for Facebook and YouTube off this website. Stay tuned.