RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.
RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.
RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.
RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.
RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.
RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.
RING UPDATE: Given the 2023-24 cost increases for entrustments, which has forced changes in the ring industry, Roy Hobbs’s ring provider is no longer offering entrustments or mountings on stones. All such designs are now considered pegged crests and are mounted on inset panels, which can be plain color or surrounded by small CZs, the number of which impacts the price of the ring. Basic stones and the various cuts – smooth, Imperial & Diamond – remain the same.

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