Roy Hobbs Sunshine Classic Formats & Divisions
- The Sunshine Classic is an Invitation-Only event.
- Returning teams in good standing with Roy Hobbs will receive an email invitation at a date to be announced on royhobbs.com. Teams will have 72 hours to act on the invitation before things get crowded.
- Invitation will include a registration link, limited to one age division. Complete and submit that registration, and an invoice for the non-refundable $517 deposit will be automatically generated and emailed.
- Deposit Invoice must be paid before position in event is guaranteed. A second, final invoice will be generated and due in early January.
- 72 hours after the initial invitation is sent, assuming positions are open, a second round of invitations will be sent to new teams on the waiting list. That invitation will be emailed to teams in the order in which they requested one, and BY AGE division. IE., requests received in October will be responded to first.
- Each team in the second list will have 1 week to act before the third invitation goes out, which will go to teams wanting to play in multiple divisions.
- Teams wanting to play in multiple divisions should notify Roy Hobbs directly.
Fee Data
- The event requires a Team fee, information is supplied at team request.
- Deposit: $500 non-refundable deposit required to reserve a place in the field, there is a $17 processing fee, (submitted registration will generate an email invoice) to hold a slot in the Sunshine Classic. Balance of fees will be invoiced at least 4 weeks before division starts play.
- Insurance: $265 or COI (Certificate of Insurance) with Roy Hobbs Diamond Ent. LLC named as an additional insured. (Contact Roy Hobbs if interested in lnsurance-Membership bundle to cover multiple events.)
- Free Agents: Free Agents may register in December, through the royhobbs.com landing page. Registration requires a non-refundable $33 to be added to Free Agent list.
- 6 games guaranteed. All games at 7-inning format.
- Age-specific Roy Hobbs Baseball playing rules are used.
- Rosters are limited to 16 players in all divisions except FT, 45s & 35s where it is 18, please don’t ask for more.
- Underage players are only allowed in the 35+, 70+ & 75+ divisions. 35+ can have up to 3 players under 35 (but at least 30) but they may not pitch until they reach their 35th birthday. 70+ is allowed 2 69-year-old players with no restrictions, except that they must be 69 to pitch. 75+ division is allowed 3 underage players, 2 may be 74-year-old pitchers but must have reached their 74th birthday; and the third can be as young as 72, but must catch if younger than 73. Otherwise, all ages are based on calendar year.
- All divisions, except 70s & 75s, play the same format, 6 games over 4 days. 70s & 75s play 6 games over 5 days, with only one double-header on day 2-3-4, still playing one game on the first and last days of the event.
- Day 1 – Check-in starts by 10 AM and everyone plays a game in the afternoon. Day 2 & 3 – Everyone plays 2 games.
- Day 4 – Exit day with morning game. #2 vs. #1, #4 vs. #3, #6 vs. #5 etc. No rematches. If multiple pools of teams, matchup would be 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc., with no rematches.
- Note: RH can play 5 games at each game time at PDC. In divisions with 12 and 14 teams, 1 or 2 games will be played at Terry Park in both AM and PM. RH will endeavor to limit the travel, but there are no guarantees.
Locker Room
- All players have a locker in the PDC Clubhouse locker room. Note … 14 teams with 16 players each equals 224 players. The PDC Clubhouse has 225 lockers, including the double-lockers which will house 2 players. No unregistered individuals allowed in clubhouse.
- Clubhouse includes hot & cold hydrotherapy tubs for pre- and post-game soaking, trainers, laundry service, Gatorade, soft drinks and bottled water. Water will also be available in the dugouts. NO alcohol is allowed at any of the sites.
- Continental breakfast will be supplied.
- Lunch buffet will be served between games; Guests pay $40 for 4 days, $50 for 5 days.
- Clubhouse will open at 8 a.m. and close 90 minutes after final game of day is completed.
- Tips for trainers and clubbies are important:
- Players using the trainers are expected to tip the trainers at the end of their stay.
- Team managers will be supplied an envelope for team tips for the clubbies; those to be turned into Bill Fear, Matt Carlson or Tom Giffen.
- Contact Tom Giffen at tg@royhobbs.com.
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