Play Ball on Roy Hobbs TV
You can play ball on TV

- Play on TV at Roy Hobbs World Series
- Broadcast live to your family & friends, your home market
- Games at Hammond Stadium
- Professionally produced & announced
- Cost is $1200
- You can sell advertising to help defray expense
- Check out Preview Videos
- 2017 games Archived here
- Your game will be archived to see again and again at your home
- Space limited, reserve now
- More information … keep reading
The Roy Hobbs Broadcast Network is a reality.
It’s time to get one of your team’s Roy Hobbs World Series games broadcast back home.
Roy Hobbs Baseball is offering televised game opportunities to its member teams during the 2018 World Series, televising games on RHBN YouTube channel live and then archiving those game videos through website archives.
Complete 9-inning games will be televised on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and championship games on Saturdays over 4 weeks – October 21 thru November 17. RHBN plans to broadcast 2 games each of those days, 8 games a week.
That is 12 teams each week to grab 3 hours in the spotlight, plus 2 championship games on Saturday.
If the Sunday-Monday-Tuesday game slots sell out, RHBN can expand broadcast opportunities by adding night games on Sundays or Mondays or games on Wednesdays or Fridays.
The Broadcast itself
All games will be broadcast from Hammond Stadium at the Centurylink Sports Complex. It will be the team’s stadium game.
The games will be streamed live on RHBN’s YouTube channel and open to everyone to view. Afterward, links to those videos would be archived on for future viewing. Roy Hobbs is working with a couple sports bars in Fort Myers to show the games live and do replays in the evenings. And they will be broadcast over Hobbs’ in-house television network.
In addition to showing all the live action through 3 cameras, the broadcast would include pre-game interviews with managers, interviews with players and post-game interviews with managers and the individuals named “players of the game” by the Broadcasting group: a play-by-play announcer, a color commentator and a sideline reporter.
Teams signing up will receive short biography forms for each player. Those completed forms help the RHBN announcing crew talk about the players during the broadcast. It’s not required; however, it certainly raises the level of the broadcast if the announcer can talk about a player’s baseball history, family and what he does in the real world.

What does it look like?
Four championship games were broadcast in 2017.
Those 4 games are located here – click on Broadcast Archives in the menu on this page to see 2017 games.
Additionally, there are also short Preview Videos available in the menu as teasers.
So, what’s the cost?
RHBN is charging $1200 per team. Night games, if requested, would be $1400.
However, here’s the opportunity:
To help with the TV fee, teams can sell as much as 4½ minutes of advertising to sponsors in their playing locale, advertising that would be part of their game. That breaks down into 9 30-second video spots or 18 15-second voice-over spots. (For example, each player sells 1 15-second spot for $50, that’s $900, but the team can set the price.)
On the advertising, the advertiser would have to furnish the 30-second video. For the 15-second spots, a Roy Hobbs representative would work with you and your advertiser to get the proper visual and develop a 15-second voice-over that would be handled by the RHBN announcing crew.
One of the Preview Videos shows examples of how the advertising is handled for both the voice-over and the videos.
Check out those Preview Videos.
How to reserve your TV time?

Click on Register in the menu on this page. It is a very brief form.
Once submitted, the team will be invoiced for a $100 non-refundable CASH deposit. The balance will be due October 1; an updated invoice will be sent in September.
Roy Hobbs will do all possible in scheduling to match teams appropriately. For example, AAAA teams will have to play another AAAA team, and Roy Hobbs will have to make that possible.
Advertising: Once the deposit is paid, a Roy Hobbs representative will contact the team manager, or whomever he designates, to discuss the advertising and how Roy Hobbs can be of service. Please note, Roy Hobbs is not going to sell the advertising for teams, but rather will assist in getting the materials necessary to execute the advertiser’s message.
That same Roy Hobbs representative will be responsible for handling the player biographies as well.
Call or email Tom Giffen at Roy Hobbs: 330.923.3400 or
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