Roy Hobbs World Series Field Maps
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Roy Hobbs World Series Headquarters
Lee County Player Development Complex:
Located at the eastern end of Edison Ave. (4301 Edison Ave.)
Parking: Park in lot outside clubhouse and batting cages. Entry to the Complex is through the gate between the main building and the batting cages. Do not drive through chain-link gates behind the batting cages.
Roy Hobbs World Series Playing Fields
Lee County Sports Complex (LCS): 14411 Ben C. Pratt Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Fort Myers, 33912. (For travel between playing sites to the north, however, use the rear entrance of the Lee County Sports Complex on Plantation Blvd., across the street from South Fort Myers High School.)
Parking: All open lots. Do not park on grass on west or north side of parking areas or where posted no parking. Do not park in Soccer Field area next to Maintenance Garage as there is no entrance there to the 3-Plex fields.
JetBlue Park (JB): 11581 Daniel Parkway, Fort Myers, FL, 33913 … approximately 2 miles east of I-75, due north of old airport terminal.
Parking: Parking at JetBlue is MOVED to the EAST side in the PAVED players’ parking lot. All players, staff and umpires will enter the complex through the man-gate at the NW corner of the paved lot
Terry Park (TP): 3410 Palm Beach Boulevard, Fort Myers, FL, 33916. This is the Northern-most complex.
Parking: Primary lot is off Terry Street, beside Field 4. There is a lot next to Field 3, but there is no entrance to the field from that lot, and there is no security in that lot.
RHWS Fort Myers Area Map
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