Atlanta Astros 13, Kent Mudhens 60s 12: (Mudhens) Hitting: Bill Reed- 3/4, 2 2b, 4 RBI; John Berger- 3/4, RBI; Pat Bussey-2/4; Bruno Settimio-2/4, 3b; Bob Lay- 2/3; Scott Ruhe-1/4, 3 RBI; Denny Bloom-1/3, 2 RBI
Bergen Yankees 14, Youngstown A2Z 8: (A2Z) Hitting: Rick Filush. 5/5, 3 3B, 2 2B, 3R, 2B
Border City 10, Youngstown A2Z 0: (A2Z) Hitting: Dave Fairman 1/2. Mark Cherol 1/2
Bronx Cardinals 7, Carolina Rockies 5: (Cardinals) Hitting: John Street: 2 for 4, 1 triple, 3 RBI’s. JJ Johnson: 2 for 4, 1 Run scored. Mike BaileyL 2 for 4. Rick Peszlo: 2 for 4, 1 Rbi. John Johnson: 2 for 4, 1 RBI.Mark Ethridge: 1 for 1.
Carolina Rockies 15, Bahama Breeze Bandits 5: (Rockies) Dick Fusco: 3 for 3, 1 RBI and 1 Run scored. David Ball 2 for 4, 2 RBI’s and 1 Run scored. John Street: 2 for 4, 2 RBIs and 2 Runs scored. Doug Wright: 2 for 4, 1 Triple, 2 RBIs and 2 Runs scored. Mike Bailey: 3 for 5, 1 Double, 2 RBIs.
Carolina Rockies 11, Baltimore Orioles 7: (Orioles) Pitching: Ronnie Alexander threw a complete 9 inning game. Giving up only 3 earned runs. Hitting: Doug Wright: 3 for 3, 3 RBIs. Pat James: 2 for 2, 1 RBI, Jim Zitney: 1 for 2, 1 RBI. JD Hinson: 1 for 3, 1 RBI.
DC Mets 13, Carolina Rockies 3: (Rockies) Hitting: Carlton Blackburn: 3 for 4, 3 RBIs. Pat James: 1 for 2. Robert Simmons” 1 for 4, Rick Harris: 1 for 2.
DuPage Lugnuts 5, Huntsville Stars 1: (Stars) Pitching: Marty Sargent – 7.1IP, 5H, 5 ER, 2Ks, 3BB, 2HBP: Hitting: Hosea Williams 1/3, G Jacobs1/2, T Kitko 1/3,K Whisenant 1/3, C.Dahl 1/2, Run
Huntsville Stars 25, Pensacola Sand Bandits 5: (Stars) Pitching: Clayton Dahl – 5IP, 6H, 3 R, 1 ER: Hitting: Pittman 3/5, 1R, Williams 2/2, 3R, Whisenant 4/5, 2 2B, Turner3/3, 2R
Huntsville Stars 7, Atlanta Heat 5: (Stars) Pitching: Kirby Gaudin 9IP, ,5Rs ,5ERs, 1K, 1BB: Hitting: Tom Kitko 2/3, 1R Whisenant 2B
Kennebec Cubs 14, Blue Ridge Rangers 13: (Cubs) Top hitters: Scott Kempf John Jones & John Oecora: Game notes: come from behind win—cubs had 5 straight hits to lead off the top of the ninth with a five run deficit. Ended up tying game when janice halls scored on a clutch hit by eddie mayer to force a shoot-out
Kent Mudhens 14, Long Island Braves 1: (Mudhens) Hitting: Mike Krzan-2/3, RBI, R, SB; John Berger-3/3, 2 2b, 3 RBI, 2 R; Pat Bussey-2/3, 2 R, SB; Bill Reed-3/3, 2 RBI, SB; Will Wentworth-2/3, 2 RBI; Gary Salhany-2/2, 2 R, SB; Don Franks- 2/2.
Kent Mudhens 22, Blue Ridge Rangers 10: (Mudhens) Hitting: Mike Krzan-5/5,4 R, 2 RBI, 2 SB; Don Schreier- 3/5, 5 RBI; Bruno Settimio-2/4, R, RBI, BB; Denny Bloom-2/2, 2 R, 2 RBI; Louie Munoz-2/3, 3 R, BB, RBI
Kent Mudhens 60s 14, JD’s Jaguars 13: (Mudhens) Hitting: Tom Stewart-2/4, 3 R; Lou Munoz- 3/5, 3 R, Gary Salhany- 3/4, 2 RBI, Ron Kimble-3/4, 2 R;Don Franks- 2/3, R, 2 RBI; Denny- 2/4, R, RBI.
Massachusetts Chiefs 8, Youngstown A2Z 5: (A2Z) Hitting: Rick Filush. 2/3. 1 3B, 1 2B, 2 RBI, 2R,
Minnesota Goats 12, Kent Mudhens 3: (Mudhens) Hitting: Mike Krzan-2/4,RBI; Bruno Settimio-3/4, R; Tom Stewart-2/2, R
Oakville Golden A’s 11, San Antonio Texans 8: (A’s) Hitting: Steve Harrison 2 hits Peter Hookings 2 hits Dave Sorichetti 2 hits 4 RBIs
Oakville Golden A’s 14, Bronx Cardinals 2: (A’s) Pitching: Rich Salvatore 2 Innings 2hits 2 K’s 0 runs: Hitting: Dave Sorichetti 2 Hits 3 Runs 1 Rbi – Billy Johnson 4 Htis 3 Runs 2 Rbis
Oakville Golden A’s 14, Carolina Rockies 6: (A’s) Pitching: DAVE OELKE 5 INNINGS 5 STRIKE OUTS 5 Rs 2 Ers: Hitting: PETE HOOKINGS 3 HITS 2RBIS. (Rockies) Hitting: Jim Peszlo: 3 for 3, 1 RBI, 1 Run scored. John Street: 3 for 5, 1 2B, 2 runs scored. Jim Zitney: 2 for 5. Robert Simmons: 1 for 2. Carlton Blackburn: 1 for 2, 1 RBI. Mike Bailey: 1 for 3 with 1 RBI
Oakville Golden A’s 18, Cecil’s Margin Service 0: (A’s) Pitching: Steve Harrison 5 innings 4 k’s 1 hit – Terry Gowan 2 innings 1 hit: Hitting: Peter Hookings2 hits 3 RBIs / Billy Johnson 2 hits 2 RBIs / Dave Peyman 3 hits – 2 RBIs
Oakville Golden A’s 5, St. Louis Patriots 4: (A’s) Pitching: STEVE HARRISON 7 INNINGS 2 RUNS /0 EARNED 4 WALKS 3 K’S: Hitting: BRENT BAILEY 2 HITS / WALK / 2 RBIS – DAVE SORICHETTI 2 HTIS
Philadelphia Cutters 4, Youngstown A2Z 2: (A2Z) Pitching: Jack Hay. 5 IP, 8 Hs, 1 R, 1ER, 1 BB. Dave Smercansky. 4 IP. 5 H. 3 Rs, 0ER: Hitting: Rick Filush 2/4, 1 2B 1SB. Larry Kelly 2/3, 1 2B
Puerto Rico Orioles 14, Youngstown A2Z 9: (A2Z) Hitting: Ken Klinvex 2/4, 2R, 3SB, Rick Filush 3/4,2 2B, 2RBIs, 3R, 1SB. Dave Fairman 2/2 2RBIs
St. Louis Patriots 10, Huntsville Stars 7: (Stars) Pitching: Zielinski – 5IP, 6 H, 3 Rs, 2ERs,2Ks, 1BB, Gaudin- 3 IP, 9H, 7Rs, 6ERs, 2Ks, 1BB: Hitting: Pittman- 4/5, 2 Rs, Sargent 2\4, 2B, 2 RBIs, Dahl – 3/4, 1R, Turner- 1\1, 2 Sacs.
Toledo McGuire Insurance 10, Huntsville Stars 8: (TMI) Hitting: Dahl 3/4, 2R, Sargent-2/4, 1R, Kitko 1/3, 3R.